
Using On Page Techniques to Leverage Your Off Page SEO

Synergy is where two or more elements work together to produce results not achievable by any of the elements alone. In SEO we tend to look at, on and off page SEO, as two separate elements and overlook how the two techniques can work together to produce a 1+1=3 effect.

Rather than breaking SEO down into two independent subsets, this article will look at using on page techniques to leverage off page SEO, thereby increasing your link building conversion rate and benefiting your overall SEO strategy.

1. Content with a Side Order of Links

Great content doesn’t equal high rankings. Links are needed to leverage your content to enable it to rank for any vaguely competitive keyword phrases. Despite this, it’s still advisable to create excellent content but in addition, think holistically about enhancing the odds of websites linking to your amazing work.

Writing content that is useful, controversial or that plays to a writer’s ego will increase the probability of acquiring links. However, there are also tools that can leverage your emotionally engaging content and further increase the chances of acquiring links when sites quote or copy your work:

Tynt and Embed Anything are two widgets that automatically include a link back to your content when text or images from your site are copied:

It may be difficult to enforce sites to use the link, as they could remove it manually, but these tools act as a reminder to credit your work and should increase your link building conversion rate.

2. Take a Leaf out of the Infographic Book

Infographics may not Β always convert visitors into paying customer but what they lack in conversions they make up for in linkability. Smart infographic publishers understand the importance of having, not only great content, but also using links to increase their content’s visibility.

Notice how all the designs at Killer Infographics have embeddable code below each image:

Why not use a similar technique, not just for your infographics, but also for the articles and other content on your website? Find a developer to code something similar into your CMS so each of your articles contains a box with the HTML required to embed the article on an external site. Β Copyright law can be confusing and people can be unsure about the legality of using your content. If you include a clear β€˜Embed this article’ box it will reduce both anxiety and friction and increase the chances of Β other sites syndicating your content with a link back to your work.

3. Capitalizing on Your Comments

Readers often use the comment section on blogs and articles to ask a follow up question or to thank the writer (that wasn’t a subtle hint!). If your content was engaging enough for a reader to leave a comment then half your battle has already been won. Why not leverage this relationship with the reader and ask them to highlight your work after they leave a comment? Instead of having a generic β€˜comment submitted’ message, ask them to β€˜Recommend’ your article on Facebook like this article does:


Not only will this technique enhance your link profile, it will also highlight your website to other like minded readers who may visit your site, buy your products and also promote your work. Depending on the reader demographic, this strategy could be modified, to ask readers to Tweet about the article or link to it from their blog.

4. Give and You Shall Receive

Dr. Ciladini is a Psychologist and author of β€˜Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion’. In his book he talks about the β€˜weapons of influence’ with the first being reciprocity. He writes that giving something to a person makes them want to return the favour.

Does your site have any digital assets such as templates, Ebooks or photographs that you give away? Similar to the comment strategy above, why not ask users that download these resources to return the favour by linking back or recommending your site? Sometimes all it takes is a nudge to receive recognition for your hard work.

Implementing the above techniques should only involve a low, one off cost. The small amount of time and money needed will likely pay dividends long into the future in the form of links and increased visibility in the SERPs. Do you use any of the above techniques or can you think of any other ways that on page elements could leverage off page SEO?

About the author: David is the SEO strategist for the International Professors Project, a non profit that assists professors to volunteer for teaching opportunities abroad in developing countries. David also advises the Kids Defense Team on SEM to help increase their donations. If you found this article useful, please consider making a small donation. If you are short on money you could always link to this, or the charities’ websites.

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